The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm Home

It was a beautiful ride
It was a wonderful life
Heaven is near

I have wings to fly
I am soaring high
Soon I'll be there

I just can't wait
To enter the pearly gates
And to step inside

But for now
I'll keep on some how
With the gift of life

Pains are controlling me
Weaker than I used to be
Each day is taking a toll
This is the end of the road

It was a heavenly ride
I am soaring so high
Without any cares

It was a beautiful life
Soon I'll say goodbye
When the light appears

Should today be the day
And I pass on my way
Into the glorious light

Don't grieve for me
Say a prayer for me
It was a heavenly ride

In the presence of "Love" I will be
The peace and joy of eternity
Fruits of the seeds I've sown
It was a heavenly ride --- "I'm Home"

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Assaulting Christianity
Opposition to humanity
In the Land of the Free
Decrees of man - insanity

Sterilization - contraception
Terminating pregnancies
Mandates without exemption
War against our liberty

Unconscionable game plan
Unconstitutional demands
Collision course with destiny
Compromising Christianity

Unprecedented abomination
Unjust power in hands of man
Godless laws of a free nation
Veiled within a health care plan

People of faith take a stand
In opposition to this unjust plan
Unconscionable insane decree
An assault on core Christianity