The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Master Craftsman

The bond has long separated

Elements have taken their toll

Solid structure has fractured

Pressuring members to bow

Decay settling in everywhere

Imminent failure is obvious

Surface grains begin to tear

Visual signs of strain appear

Dire need of total restoration

Without the luxury of time

Avoiding future condemnation

Returning to utterly sublime

A tedious process connecting

Mending fractures and decay

Reviving structural integrity

The Master Craftsman way



Saturday, March 29, 2014

I Will Return

I took a left turn into the park
Out of my truck; went for a walk
Springtime; the birds were singing
So amazing the joy I was feeling

I feel such peace when I'm there
Step by step; prayer after prayer
The place to escape from it all
Amidst sleeping trees standing tall

A thin layer of ice still on the lake
With every sunshine melting away
Ducks and geese doing their thing
While I dodge the mess they leave

On the home stretch I find my way
My mind wanders and drifts away
As a walk in time comes to an end
I feel refreshed and like a new man

I took a left turn into the park
Out of my truck; went for a walk
I left the park taking the right turn
Where I started off --- I will return


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mercy Awaits

Let no one deceive you
Be on guard; stay awake
Affix yourself to the truth
Freedom is drifting away

Keep your eyes wide open
This is not a novel mystery
The system is totally broken
We are living out the misery

Voices have become silent
Mere whispers in the wind
A message is being sent
Repent for we have sinned

Forget the looming gloom
Our mandates is to dig in
Unite; spread the good news
Allow God's healing to begin

Rise above the deception
Be on guard; stay awake
Freedom lies in redemption
God's healing mercy awaits

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Within God's Hand

What a grace
What a joy
What a blessing
To be part of this

The closeness
The bond
The love
The oneness

There was no money
There was no fame
There was no power
There was only pain

I would not change it
Because I lived it
And I still live it
Thank God I lived it

They are my family
They empower me
They drive the will in me
They are my life

Outside looking in
So hard to understand
Such a blessing
To be within God's hand



Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I Am Your Father

I am your father
I love you all

I have ten children
Each one is special

No one is the same
I treat you differently

I am your father
You are my family

I am now home
Waiting for you

I'm not alone
Everyone is here

There is joy waiting
I wait for you here

I am your father
I love you

Be not afraid
I am with you

Be not ashamed
God forgives you

Love one another
As I love you

I am your father
I am with you

I am your father
I love you

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Love in You

Walk with me
Talk to me
Long for me
Trust in me

Pray to me
Give all to me
Love me
I will set you free

In every trial, I will be there
In loss of love, I will be there
In darkness, I will be there
I will be there, always for you

I will comfort you
I will strengthen you
I will hear you
When you call out to me

I will provide for you
I will heal you
I will bless you
When you call out my name

I am Jesus, the Son of Man
I am Jesus, holding your hand
I am Jesus, I am Truth
I Am; I gave my life for you

In every trial, I will be there
In loss of love, I will be there
In darkness, I will be there
I am Jesus; I am the Love in you

Sunday, March 16, 2014

God's Love Forever New

What good is sense
If it only makes sense to you

Proclaiming a litany
When a few words will do

Holding on to bitterness
Rather giving sweet expressions

Sell your soul to evil
Or engaging sincere confessions

Walk amidst darkness
Instead of enveloping light

Curse day after day
While longing for inner delight

Trusting in no other
Though you've learned a lesson

Live as in bondage
With the keys in your possession

Waste time on lies
When all that is needed is truth

Living a life of misery
Refusing God's love forever new


Where is Everyone

Where is everyone
Where have they gone
Such a beautiful day
The warmth of the sun

The snow is melting
Signs of spring appear
The birds are singing
There's music in the air

Flowers peeking through
Buds are on the trees
Nature is moving forth
All in perfect harmony

Where is everyone
Where have they gone
Where are the little ones
Where are they playing

A picture of serenity
Of awesome beauty
Though so picturesque
A sense of emptiness

Empty out the caverns
Wood, steel and stone
Away from the screens
Into the natural serine

Such a beautiful day
A taste of true reality
The warmth of the sun
Where is everyone

Friday, March 14, 2014

Sky High in Holiness

Rise, take flight to the sky
Let your wings spread wide
Peace is above the clouds
Distance from the crowds

Forward without a care
Gliding freely in the air
So quiet and tranquil there
A place of universal prayer

Removed from the race
Settled calmly into space
The mind awakened free
And spirit thrives totally

Rise, take in the freshness
Absorbed in blessedness
In the joy of faithfulness
Rise, sky high in holiness

Monday, March 10, 2014

If Not for You

If not for you, I would not be
It was you, the Father gave to me
Only one in a bushel full of ten
If not for you, there would be no kin

The finest model of a real man
Fully obedient to the Master's plan
Joined in love to a heavenly bride
Blessed to go forth and multiply

One that cherished his place and role
Even when burdens took their toll
Never dwelling on the heavy weight
A true man of God; a man of faith

This anniversary day will come and go
The tears will fall; memories will flow
Beautiful thoughts of years now past
Wonderful moments will forever last

If not for you, there would be no tree
Continuing to give the Father delight
Only the eyes of God could foresee
The real life story that you would write

We love you Dad!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Help Me Find the Way

I want to find a way
Into your warm embrace
Please take this sinful man
Hold me close, Holy Ghost!

I'm walking in the desert
The storm winds are blowing
I've done the best I can
But I have stumbled like most

Lord, raise me up once again
For I live among the fallen
Lord, free me from my misery
I can hear your voice calling

I want to find a way
Find a way to come home
Take hold of this sinful man
Let not my weakness roam

Lord, raise me up once again
For I live among the fallen
Lord, free me from my misery
I can hear your voice calling

Hold me close, Holy Ghost!
For I live among the fallen
Take the hand of a sinful man
Lord, help me find the way

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Set the Spirit Free

Once, it was new
The pathway clear
Everything flowed
Without restriction

Time takes a toll
Bits and pieces
Pushing through
Sediment; sludge

Solidifying matter
Space reduction
Forward pressure
Building backward

Need for cleansing
Internal restoration
The bits and pieces
Fragmented dreams

Penetrate through
Living waters flow
Make all things new
To matters of soul

Empty the waste
Discard the debris
Remove the snake
Set the spirit free

Monday, March 3, 2014

Before I Die

On the face of a deteriorated building in the heart of the city; there are the desires of many souls. Written on a curtain of blackened plywood; the heading strikes and takes a toll. The words are amazing; the youthful gather there to express their dreams. You can feel their pain and hear their cry, written below the heading of the words: “Before I Die”

Change the world
Change my life
Play bass guitar
Before my time

Just be happy
Live in peace
Go to Africa
Go to Greece

Win an Oscar
Become a Doctor
Charter fishing
While I'm living

I want to marry
Save my soul
Have a child
Win the Gold

Change the world
Change my life
See God's Love
Before I Die

See God's Face
Alive on the street
See every tear dry
Before I Die