The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Monday, May 29, 2017

The Future is Bright

No greater sacrifice
Or courage of man
Lay down one's life
For their fellowman

The cost of freedom
The untold bravery
Not in the headlines
A front line obituary

Memories never fade
The everlasting truth
This grateful nation
Forever honors you

Today we remember
Tomorrow we unite
Your spirit ignites us
The future is bright

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Alive in Jesus

We hear the lies
We see the cries
We feel the pain
It's all so insane

Shadows disappear
The light has fled
Teardrops of blood
Rivers turning red

Perverted ideology
Attached to death
Innocent victims
Caught in the net

Help is on the way
Victory is assured
Glory is revealed
In the saving Word

Lift up every care
Love will free us
United in prayer
One alive in Jesus

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Those We Rise With

So many so confused
Faced with direction
The choices we choose
Weeding out deception

It all seems so easy
Entering into pleasure
But is it really pleasing
The journey measures

It's not the conquest
It's how the Spirit flows
Just to feel the blessing
How the seeds are sown

There is right and vice
Decide between the two
It's not who we lie with
It's those we rise with

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Let Us Go

Get up, let us go
Time to take control
Let the Spirit flow
Get up, let us go

One and one in hand
Redemption of man
Near and distant lands
Rejoice, there is a plan

Get up, let us go
Get up, weary soul
Brotherhood of man
Together, yes we can

Get up, let us go
Time to take control
Allow the Spirit to flow
Get up, Get up, let us go

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Silencing the Thunder

The hour glass flipped
The second hand strife
Sand of time empties
The coarseness of life

Countless scenes pass
Glory days gone by
Revealing the times
A youthful one unwise

Giants passed before
Wisdom given freely
The quietness of wars
Witnesses to bleeding

A beginning and end
The older and younger
A lifelong of mending
Silencing the thunder

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Leader

Lord, bless the dreamers that are humbly blest with poetic words. The Spirit is alive and seeking to expand. Today is the day for the children of God to bust the move for God’s glory. Share your love for the Lord; express yourself. The word is powerful….express the glory of God. Be not afraid…”I go before you always”…Follow the Leader!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Test

What’s up with the unrest
All the pain; the suffering
North, South, East, West
The lack of any reasoning

Destination collision course
We are along for the ride
The genesis of the source
Seen by eyes opened wide

We are innocent dreamers
Seeking peace in our lives
Simple faithful believers
Born for this place in time

Never giving in to dismay
Pushing forward in faith
North, South, East, West
Chosen to endure the test

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Where is my God
Has He abandoned me
I feel so all alone
Yet, I'm told to believe

Is life about trust
Even as we loose faith
Is hope about love
Seeking our pathway 

Live the promise
Stay focused on truth
Enter into the bliss
That will release you

In a glorious time
Grace will surely shine
In the Lord's glory
In the Lord's time...Shine!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Lord's Grace

If today we allow life to beat us down
Tomorrow, we will fight to get back up
If today we fall to the weakness of prey
The Lord's grace will deliver and free us

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Trusting in the Lord

Anarchy in the streets
Void from freedom
The war against Police
Seeing is believing

Chaos before our eyes
Rain, ice, and snow
The temperature rising
Time for grace to flow

We look for answers
Beneath every stone
Seek peaceful terms
Never loosing hope

We are people of faith
Drifting in one accord
The salt of the earth
Trusting in the Lord

Monday, May 1, 2017


Every day is a blessing
Whether rain or shine
Cherishing a new day
As we open our eyes

Amazed at the wonder
All the blessings of life
Solitude and thunder
In the passing of time

Longing for tomorrow
Old enough to realize
That joys and sorrows
Adhere to all our lives

Faith, the guiding light
Hope, living the dream
Trust, in possibilities
Love, above all "Believe"