The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Soul of America

At Valley Forge, on bender knee, George Washington prayed to Thee. Father in Heaven this day it is We. On this Veterans Day we pray for “Soul of America” the brave and selfless of the United States Military. Those that gave their lives to keep this Nation free; those have served and serve this day for the cause of Liberty. There is no greater honor than to serve our fellowman in the cause of freedom. Father, bless our Veterans, the living and deceased. May their sacrifice not be in vain, and be lifted up to Thee as a prayer for the healing of this Nation. Restore the values of our “Founding Fathers” to all its people. Duty and sacrifice will live on in Freedom and Liberty. God bless all of our Veterans this day they are truly...”The Soul of America” amen.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Force of God

A fighter when backed into a corner has two options, allow himself to be beaten down and defeated, or, with every last ounce of strength left in his soul, battle on. 

President Donald J Trump is under a full scale assault from satan and his minions. The corrupt media and social media are all in.
The swamp is real and more wide spread then anyone could have ever imagined. It controls every aspect of our lives and in fully engulfed in the Government. 
God has chosen this man for this hour in history. I believe in my heart that the “fog” hovering over the swamp is about to be lifted. The “FOG” chosen by God for this momentous task is, President Donald J Trump. 
As this corrupt process plays out many twists and turns will occur. In this time of great uncertainty we must prevail. We need to keep the faith and turn to our Lady. Pray, Pray, Pray!!!  We are about to enter the chapter of “Triumph”.
The muddied waters of the swap are about to be penetrated by the rays of mercy. The fog will be lifted, exposed to radiant light. The left winding serpents of evil will be exposed. Exposed to the Divine light they will meet their demise. In the end all that will be left is truth. 
God bless our Peace resident, Donald J Trump. Truly a “Force Of God”.