The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Passion

Alone in the garden to his Father he prayed
His disciples, under the trees, asleep they laid
My Father in heaven, please take this cup away
No, Father, let it be done to me as you say
The soldiers approach, his disciples in fear
Peter draws his sword and severs one's ear
Put your sword back into its scabbard
Shall I not drink the cup of my Father and Lord
Jesus surrenders himself without a fight
He is taken away in the dark of the night
As the cock crows Peter begins to cry
Told by Jesus three times he would deny
In a courtyard filled with a angry crowd
They reviled and cursed at him out load
A fearful Pilate is seated upon his throne
Abandoned, Jesus stands there all alone
Convicted and accused of blasphemy
Overwhelmed and fearful Pilate gives a decree
Our Lord knew fully his time was very near
Pilate washes his hands of the whole affair
A vicious murderer is spared and set free
The carpenters make a cross from a tree
His flesh, viciously ripped from his bones
In shock, enduring immense pain, he moans
Trusted upon his head, a thorn woven crown
His precious blood dripping to the ground
Lifting up his cross, with our sins how it weighed
With each and every step, to his Father he prayed
Falling three times and overwhelmed with pain
My Father in heaven please let this not be in vain
Thrown upon the cross he gazed up to heaven
He felt so alone with this cross he was given
Lifted up nailed to the cross, his eyes looked down
For his garments the lots rolled across the ground
His mother's heart broken, streaming tears in her eyes
The thick dark clouds gather above in the skies
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do
Then he bowed his head, and his mission was through
Streaks of lightning, thunder, pouring rain from the sky
There was no longer any doubt, for our sins he had died
God the Father of mercy, extending his love to everyone
Giving of Himself; in the passion and death of His Son.

God's Servant,

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