The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Living Beatitude

Bless you poor, yours is the kingdom of heaven
Bless you that mourn, I will wipe away your tears
Bless you gentle of spirit, you will inherit the land
Bless you righteous ones, power is in your hands
Bless you merciful, My mercy shall rain upon you 
Bless you pure of heart, God's light will see you through
Bless you peacemakers, the sons of God Most High
Bless you persecuted, righteous ones of the kingdom
Bless you slandered, you shall live in peace and freedom
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great
Rejoice and be glad, for you shall truly have your fill
Rejoice and be glad, for you persevered through the fire
Bless you My children, for fulfilling My will and desire
Rejoice in My Spirit, My disciples, heaven is awaiting you

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day to Dream

Today --- today --- is the day --- to dream
Today --- today --- is the day --- to dream

Visions of hope - people sing
Of justice and equality
Let Freedom Ring

One nation - promising
Truth and liberty
Let Freedom Ring

Today --- today --- is the day --- to dream
Today --- today --- is the day --- to dream

A memory - paves the way
Peace and unity
Let Freedom Ring

From mountain top - echoing
Live out the vision
Let Freedom Ring

Today --- today --- is the day --- to dream
Today --- today --- is the day --- to dream
Today --- echoing --- is the day --- people sing
Today --- today --- people sing --- Let Freedom Ring

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Lamb of God / John 1: 29 - 34

I truly am a witness
My eyes have seen
A dove from heaven
Descending upon He

I baptize with water
Freedom from a liar
The revealed One
Will set souls on fire

The Lamb of God
Alive in us this day
Son of the Father
Wipe our sins away
His coming foretold
The great I Am
Behold, the Lamb

We must witness
The truth revealed
Filled with the Spirit
Our fate is sealed

Baptized with water
Souls white as snow
The truth revealed
His love made known

The Lamb of God
True love will save
Savior - Redeemer
Wipe our sins away
Son of the Father
The eternal, "I Am"
Behold the Son, "the Lamb"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Newness of Love

Looking at the promises
Many hopes and dreams
The endless possibilities
Now in the past it seems

All the things you dream of
Flowing like a river of love

Good times pass so fast
The bad always seem to last
Racing from here to there
You need a breath of fresh air

That's what newness brings
Like the birds of spring

All the things you dream of
Flowing like a river of love
Many possibilities come true

That's what newness brings
Like the birds of spring
When it's happening to you

That's what newness brings
Like the birds of spring
It's time to fly and sing too

That's what newness brings
You feel that everything
Is out there waiting for you

All the things you dream of
You feel will come true
The river of love alive in you
The newness of love in you