The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The White Horse Martyrs

I saw heaven opened

And a beautiful white horse

Seated on it, Faithful and True

The Judge and Righteous One

His eyes are as flames of fire

On his head, many crowns

His name is a mystery

Known to him alone

Garments sprinkled with blood

His name is, "The Word of God"

Joined by armies on white horses

Clothed in white, pure, linen

His voice, is a double edge sword

Striking down all the nations

He rules with an Iron rod

The wrath of God, Almighty

"King of Kings and Lord of Lords"

His Angel, standing in the sun

Gathering the elect to the Great God

The Powerful and Holy One

The beast; kings of the earth

Gather together to make war

The deceiver, false prophet and liar

Is thrown into the lake of fire

An angel of the Lord appears

The keys to the abyss in his hand

Binding for a thousand years

Satan, with the chain in his hand

The armies are those that were slain

Martyred soldiers; righteous and true

Riding pure white horses with the Lamb

The White Horse Martyrs...mission of love


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