The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Earth's Side of Heaven

These are trying times
So much pain; all the crime
People living in fear
How much more can we bear

Looking for sunshine
To pierce through the clouds
Searching for an answer
Seeking truth lost in time

Listen for the rhythm
The bass beat of the heart
Where music is silence
And grace is food for the soul 

Bask in the sunshine
Melodies are yet to be written
Harmony is God's rhyme
On the earth's side of heaven

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Heart of the USA

There are storm winds blowing today
Clouds of deception across the USA
Nature soon will be turning up the heat
Reaching the boiling point on the street

The wolves are coming out of the woods
Their eyes fixed intently upon our goods
The power play is ripe for the picking
Their deceitful intentions are sickening

Turning a brother against his brother
Children against their father and mother
Under the guise of equality and fairness
Those with more against those with less

Forces of evil devising a cunning plan
The sword of division; man against man
All the while they are painted as caring
While simmering doom is clearly nearing

This Nation takes care of their fellow man
We will rise above the deceit of this plan
These raging storms too will pass away
Love reigns deep in the heart of the USA

Monday, May 19, 2014

Armor of the Wise

I sense a special feeling
There is a buzz in the air
Though seeing is believing
I feel your presence near

I hear a call within my soul
This hunger I must feed
There is a story to be told
This fire burning within me

The clock is ticking faster
Time is drifting out to sea
The plan of a loving Master
Is unfolding for all to see

A tremendous time of grace
As truth is being revealed
Evil is showing its ugly face
As our fates are being sealed

True faith is being tested
The faithful are taking sides
Believers are being vested
With the armor of the wise