With sinners he kept company
He so desired to set them freeMultiplied a few loaves and fish
Yet he was betrayed with a kiss
This ridiculed and despised man
Was cussed and lashed by demonsTrembled in fear hearing his name
He cured the sick; restored the lame
Commanded darkened eyes to see
Yet they accused him of blasphemyHe was wronged and never rebelled
As all the evil spirits in hell trembled
Speaking only of peace and renewal
Of forgiveness of sin never accusing
Before a judge that washed his hands
Free of the blood of this innocent man
Beaten until his bones were exposed
His blood gushed out from head to toeOn his shoulder they hooked the cross
Staggering he atoned sins of the lost
His hands nailed and arms spread wide
Raised up between thieves at each sideHe uttered the words of our salvific truth
Forgive them they know not what they do