Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of
your love.
Send forth Your Spirit and
they shall be created; and You shall renew the face of the earth! Renew the
face of the earth! Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth! Renew the
peace of the earth. Renew the peace in Egypt, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Iran, Pakistan, Russia, China, Africa, and all Nations. Renew the peace in the
United States of America; and upon our streets. Renew the peace in the womb;
for an end to abortion; for an end of human suffering brought upon human beings
against innocent human beings. Renew the peace in Your holy Catholic Church;
between the Sheep and the Shepherds, between all Christians; between Jews,
Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist, and people of all faiths. I pray that one day, all
may come to know of Your love, beloved Father, our Creator, the Great I AM.
Come to know of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and of His endless
mercy. May come to know of the Goodness, the Wisdom and Love of the Holy
Spirit; pouring forth from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; Three
Divine Persons in One True God; the Most Holy Trinity. Renew the peace within
families, between Spouses, Siblings; Parents and their Children. Renew the
peace between the Races; renew the peace between the Nations. Amen!