The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

In the Life of a Soul

This is the day I turn and walk away
This is the day I release and let go
This is the day I chart a new course
This is the day I allow Grace to flow

A time to leave all my cares behind
A time to strike a triumphant blow
A time to enter a new state of mind
A time to for mending a weary soul

For the times that I spent all alone
For the times I shed so many tears
For the times I was lost and lonely
For the times I fell prey to my fears

This is the day of glorious salvation
This is the day of joy and jubilation
This is the day God's Grace will flow
This is the day; In the life of a soul

Monday, April 24, 2017

God Bless the Nation of France

Another joins in the dance
The sweet melody...freedom
Not by the litany of chance
This an alignment of reason

To root where one is planted
Thrive as one united face
The cunning one has slanted
Division of the human race

Not an end; a new beginning
A transitional dance in time
To one day realize the longing
Peace we seek in our lives

The sweet melody...freedom
Now aligned as one in a dance
The stars of Nations aligning
God bless the Nation of France

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Blossoming Bud

Buds are blooming
Awaken from sleep
This blessed season
Arise from the deep

Basking in sunshine
In the morning dew
This new springtime
Awaits me and you

The awesome hour
Redemption freeing

Holy powerful week
When giants awake
The blossoming bud

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Freedom at Last

Tested each day
Springing ane
The cycle of life
All is made new

Darkness passes
Light enters in
Green meadows
Life everlasting

Cut and mulched
Cleansed in fire
Flames quenching
The heart's desire

All is made new
The old passed
Souls rescued
Freedom at last

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

We are Free

When we close our eyes
The heart says goodbye
Then the transformation
Into joy and jubilation

We are free...we are free
The suffering long gone
Into the bliss of eternity
We are free...we are free

Friends and family grieve
The loss of their beloved
But if they could only see
We are free...we are free

We are free...we are free
Endless joy and happiness
Transformed into eternity
We are free...we are free!