The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Analogy of Prodigy 

Picture this: A Stadium that seats 100,000. Today, around the world every Stadium and Arena is empty.  But, in Heaven there are 650 100,000 seat gathering places reserved for the Holy Innocents alone.  Every seat was paid for at a heavy price. Every seat is the same... but there is no game. The view is out of this world. For all of Eternity there will be only two teams to view. They are comprised of those that fought the good fight here on earth and those that did battle casting into hell satin and his minions. I pray one day we we all will dwell with them when the game is over and the only ones left standing will be the Angels and Saints. Peace!
Oh! And let this be known, these are the Holy Innocents of the United States alone!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Catch and Release 

Went fishing today at the lake. Caught three beautiful trout. Keeping up with unsocial distancing I hope I did not give the virus to God’s little creatures. I’m sure they were cleansed back in the crystal clear water. We are going through a similar fate. Caught up in viral net of deceit. We will soon be set free and cleansed. Will we return to being hooked on the world and all of it’s empty promises or will we not bite on the lure of temptations. Time to get hooked on Christ!

The Snake

For many years I’ve smelled a rat in the political system and process. However, the snake has raised his head in the form of a virus. Our Businesses are shut down, our Health Care facilities are overwhelmed, Schools are closed, and our places of Worship not accessible. I am a Catholic and will not be able to attend the most Sacred Services of Easter. We will not be able to have family Easter at our home. The children of a very large loving family will not be able to race to find the hidden Easter Eggs. Forgive me...this is ridiculous!!! I do smell a rat in this situation, and the snake behind it all will soon be revealed. God is in control and the evil behind this nightmare will be exposed. As a Catholic I say “Praise Jesus Christ!” He is risen and will make all things new. I pray at this time for people of all Faiths and their families. For the first time in history we are one. We will get though this together and will crush the head of the snake. Peace!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The King of Kings

It is the hour
Great hour!...Great hour! 
Of His mercy and love

It is the hour
Great hour!...Great hour! 
Of His mercy and love

The hour of a new spring
The hour of joy everlasting
The hour of sinful healing
The hour of the King of Kings 

It is the hour...Angel’s sing
Great hour!...mercy flowing
Great hour!...of embracing
Jesus Christ....King of Kings

Great hour!...Of Exalting
Great hour!...Of Praising
Great hour!...Of Worshiping
Jesus Christ! The King of Kings

Great hour!...Overwhelming!
Great hour!...Pure Cleansing!
Great hour!...Ever Rejoicing!
Jesus Christ! The King of Kings 

Forever Praise His Majesty 
Forever embrace eternity 
Great hour of life everlasting 
Behold Christ...King of Kings!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Dawn of Creation

There is wonderment
Before our very eyes
The blind do not see
The mind hypnotized

Some seek happiness
Some choose extremes
In a web of emptiness
Chasing earthly dreams

The spirit of jubilation
Peace in contemplation
Living a natural fixation
Alive in God's creation

Inner transformation
Every moment is grace 
Live it without hesitation
Cherish life and embrace

There is wonderment
Lasting Joyful jubilation
Love prepared for us
At the Dawn of Creation