The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Spirit of Life

No more hugs no more kisses
Keep healthy unsocial distances
No more handshakes or embraces
Eye to eye contact at six foot spaces
Empty arenas, stadiums and theaters
Gone by the wayside many careers
No leagues sports or pickup games
Family pictures at two arms length
Walking in the park and wear a mask
Breathing fresh air a thing of the past
Silent Churches and Worship places
Faithful use screens to replace faces
Loss of our Freedoms and Liberties
Forces of deception willing to seize
Living in hell and uncertain what to do
Embrace the “Spirit of Life” he is truth

Friday, April 10, 2020

Decision Time

In normal times the Jewish people are celebrating Passover, and Christians, the Holy Week of Easter. But, these are not normal times... this is the “time of all times”.

From the beginning man has chosen to do his own will; putting aside the Wii of God. We struggle with contrary forces of good and evil. In short many have chosen the dead end road of the world, rather than the road that one day will lead us home.

The glitter, glitz, fortune and fame of this world has run its course. We find ourselves in a perilous time of distress, but, fear not. The future of mankind is based on decisions made today. In an instant, God will free us all from these difficult times if we seek out His mercy and say yes to His Will.

On this Good Friday, Christians commemorate the Passion and Death of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Jewish people celebrate Passover and freedom from bondage. This is the time for people of every faith to put our differences aside and unite as one people under God.

God has told us that if we humble ourselves, seek His mercy and forgiveness, that He will forgive our transgressions, transform us anew, and heal our land. 

Yes, we are living though a very turbulent period of history, like no other. People wonder if these are the “End Times” as described in the Bible. Only God has the answer to that question. One thing is for certain, this is the “time of all times”...Decision Time!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My Lord and My God

My Lord and My God

On this night of Passover the dome of the earth will be adorned with brilliant light. Many will be confined to their homes in anguish and distress. I pray this night for Divine Mercy upon all of mankind. I pray that you will send your glorious Angels to destroy the evil spirit invading the earth. We are a sinful people in need of cleansing. If it be your Will remove this plague from our midst. Heal all affected by it and heal our land. This night the Host will set the heavens aglow. We pray for your mercy to free us from the bondage here below. Amen