The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Mom..."We Love You"

Mom…”We Love You”

Ten different lives
Ten different minds
Ten different ways to say..."I Love You"

Her loving tenderness
Her embrace and kiss
Her simplistic ways to say..."I Love You"

We reminisce memories
We ponder what will be
We will forever say...Mom..."We Love You"

Holding on to the past
Holding things that last
Holding on to the words..."I Love You"

Ten unique lives
Ten with tearful eyes
Ten forever ways to say ...Mom..."We Love You"

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Christmas Memories

Empty feeling Christmas

A void within my soul

The mother vessel of love

Has been taken home

Living spirit of the family

A smile brighter than snow

Daughter of mother Mary

In her arms she went home

A love story never ending

Many chapters to unfold

Gifts forever keep giving

She was a grace to behold

Christmas lights are shining

Gifts wrapped under the tree

Emptiness will melt away

Reminiscing Christmas memories 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Love In You

What about love
What about love
What about love
The love of Jesus is exciting

What about love
What about love
What about love
The love of Jesus is inviting

With no one to hold on to anyone out there
I need someone to reach out to
Are you there, my Lord...are you there

What about love
What about love
What about love
The love of Jesus is exciting

What about love
What about love
What about love
The love of Jesus is inviting

I have so many questions
I'm searching for the truth
My faith leads me back to you
My sweet Lord, lead me to the truth

The love of Jesus is exciting
The love of Jesus is inviting
The love of Jesus leads to truth
What about love...the love in you

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Golden Star Of Glory

She is the light of sunshine
The golden star of glory
She is the radiance of time
The fulfillment  of the story

Come to rescue mankind
Daughter of the Most High

Each day breathing blessing
The gift of life everlasting
Born for this place in time
Enter in the Master's delight

Let your hearts be not troubled
Though you feel adrift at sea
Feel gifts of blessings unfolding
Persevering through the misery

She is watching over you
Daughter of the Most High

Keep the faith in seeds sown
Trust in the blessings taken root
The harvest may appear light
The abundant fruit is Her delight

Daughter of the Most High
She is the golden star of glory
Let your hearts not be troubled
She is, the golden star of glory

The daughter of the Most High
She is The Golden Star of Glory

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Loving Our Fellowman

Storm winds blow...the wrath of a hurricane
Oceans rage across sandy shores; breaching banks
We hear the fear...see concern in official's eyes
Storm winds blow; pray for safety of people's lives

This monster of a storm...full of fury and rage
Is this an act of God...punishment for sinful ways
This monster of a storm could be a wake-up call
Is this an act of this a warning for all

Are events taking place a prelude of things to come
Is the planet that we live on about to catch fire
Amidst horrific images of human pain and suffering
Compassion, selflessness and love are truly burning

Storm winds blow; oceans rage; flood waters flow
Is this an act of day we will know
For now we must take control of things at hand
Storm winds blow...the future is loving our fellowman

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Daughter of the Most High

The light of sunshine
Golden star of glory
The radiance of time
Fulfillment of the story

Come to rescue mankind
Daughter of the Most High

Breath of the blessing
Gift of life everlasting
Born in this place in time
The Master's delight

Come to rescue mankind
Daughter of the Most High

Heats be not troubled
Feeling adrift at sea
Blessings are doubled
Persevering in misery

Trusting in seeds sown
As blessings take root
The harvest seems light
Fruits abundantly bright

Radiant star of all glory
Daughter of the Most High

Monday, August 28, 2017

Trusting in the Lord

When the wind blows
Driving torrent rains
When the rivers flow
Breaching the banks
When the sunshine
Is a sight longed for
Caught up in a storm
We trust in the Lord

When the floods rage
Seek higher ground
Pray and stay awake
His grace will abound
Seek out the answers
The soul is longing for
Amidst every storm
We trust in the Lord

Trusting in the power
Basking in the glory
In the darkest hour
What will be will be
Feeling hopelessness
Embrace faithfulness
Feel the tenderness
Divine blessedness

When the winds blow
Nature is engaged
Raging rivers flow
The storm is named
Embrace faithfulness
Never ever be afraid
In the midst of it all
Trusting in the Lord

Sunday, August 27, 2017

God's Text Message

Mother Nature sent devastation to Texas but God is sending a Text message to the United States and to the world. First responders, volunteers, neighbors and friends are showing what love in action is all about. Selflessness and compassion that is rarely seen in society today. God bless Texas and all those amazing people that are an inspiration to our Nation. This is love of neighbor in action.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Ready to Roll

Today is a new day...fresh
Yesterday has
Tomorrow a grace...dream
Faith in the future...believe

Hold on in the midst of trials
Brush aside wasteful denials
Grasp hold of precious things
Embrace what freedom brings

The clouds will vanish away
Sunshine lighting the way 
Embracing precious things
Grasping freedom it brings

Today, a day full of sunshine
Yesterday has taken its toll
Tomorrow may never come
Future.....we are ready to roll

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Time Will Free the Soul

Flashback time - everything was fine...yes it was
In the prime of our lives - so fine...yes it was
Time has a way of taking control...yes it does
Time has a way of touching a soul... yes it does

Looking back in the rear view mirror
Never seeing the things lying ahead
Life at times gets weirder and weirder
Life sometimes plays with your head

This is the time to take take control
This is the time to free the the soul
This is the time to just let it flow...let it flow
This is the time...this is the time...this is the time

Never look back keep pushing ahead
Never surrender keep fighting instead
Soon all things will become clearer
The lights will turn on in your head

The flash of light is just the beginning...yes it is
This is a joyous time we are living...yes it is
This is the time to release and let go...let go
Take hold...let it flow...time will free the soul

Monday, July 24, 2017

Soulful Shoes

Fast forward time
Dusty trails behind
In sole-less shoes
Treading the blues

Majestic sky ahead
Sunset flaming red
When it's all said
We paid our dues

Look to sunshine 
Seek out and find 
The best inside you
Everything anew

Time for a rewind
The past gone by
Fast forward time
Inside soulful shoes

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Never played a note
Never sang a chord
One stone at a time
Together in accord

Forever a dreamer
A faithful believer
Just a simple man
With trowel in hand

Imagine one day
In a place and time
Endless possibilities
Endless sunshine

A musician's hands
Building with stone
Rock hard hands
Strumming notes 

One day in eternity
One day we will be
One forever changed
One limitless...Free!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Shine! Shine! Shine!!!

There is darkness
There is light
There is promise
There is right

Twenty four hours
All things new
Today is the day
Awaiting you

It is now the time
Rise and shine
It is all up to you
All things new

Let go of it all
Let sunshine in
Answer the call
Let life begin

This is the day
Your place in time
A day of promise
Shine! Shine! Shine!!!

Sunday, July 9, 2017 Lord

Walking down the street today
I felt the urge to begin to pray
At that moment I felt so alone
I was wrong...Oh, I was wrong

I was having one of those days
My mind drifting in many ways
God hears the soul that prays
So I knew...I was one with You

You listened to me the dreamer
A weakened battered believer
Listened to me worn and torn
I love you my Lord

When I call out your holy name
When I need a friend to confide
When abandoned by everyone
Faithful and True is by my side

Walking down the street today
Drifter...dreamer...torn believer
My prayer was the lifeline chord
I Love you my Lord

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

I See Jesus...Through It All

I see changes; societal spin
See dangers forming within
Feel the tension surround
Abandoning of holy ground

I see Jesus...through it all

The grace of standing tall
Now rages toward the fall
Deafening of human cares
Drifting in worldly affairs

I see Jesus...through it all

Caught up in misdirection
Beaten down in rejection
Seeking to embrace justice
Separate from worldly lusts

I see Jesus...through it all

I see change on the horizon
An about-face from the lying
Tears wiped dry from crying
I tell you there is no denying

I see Jesus...through it all

Loving Jesus...Loving Jesus
Loving Jesus...Loving Jesus
Loving Jesus...Loving Jesus
Loving Jesus...Loving Jesus

I see Jesus...through it all

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

One Day at a Time

In every Nation
Political unrest
Patients tested

Lying leaders
Self admiration
Clever deceivers
Much frustration

Caught inside
Playing it straight
Born to survive
Despite the hate

Faithless; Godless
A place in time
Everyday blessing
One day at a time

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Organic Connection

In every direction
On all four sides
Seeking connection
To fulfill our lives

The internet trap
Filled with dangers
Conversation rap
With total strangers

The human touch
Long passed away
But today we must
Learn to re-engage

The great unknown
Ultimate infection
Is the human touch
Organic connection

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Self in Me me me
The way of society
Hot on the outside
Deep inner freeze
Exit from reality

Focusing inward
And losing sight
Eyes open wide
Darkness abounds
Absent the light

Seeing no other
Sister or brother
Family or friend
All that matters
Is the visual me

Time to take two
Turn it all around
Away from thee me me
Free the self in me

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


One hundred hundred years
One hundred years come and gone

Salve Regina...Salve Regina...Salve Regina
Immaculata...Blessed are you
Salve Regina...Salve Regina...Salve Regina
Immaculata...Mother of Truth

One hundred years of wars and tears
Bondage of sinfulness and fears
One hundred hundred years
One hundred years of wars and tears

Salve Regina...Salve Regina... Salve Regina
Immaculata...Blessed are you
Salve Regina...Salve Regina...Salve Regina
Immaculata...Blessed are you

Mother Mary...Mother Mary...Mother Mary
Mother Mary of Light
Mother Mary...Mother Mary...Mother Mary
Mother Mary of Life

One hundred years...One hundred years
One hundred heart beats long
One hundred years...One hundred years 
Immaculata played out in song

Our Lady of Fatima...The Queen of peace
Our Lady Whisper in the Wind ever free
Our Lady of Fatima...The Voice of truth
We Love You...We Love You…Mother!

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Glory of God

Clouds on the horizon
There is a buzz in the air
The energy level rising
Expressions of living fear

Unnerving expectations
The human state unclear
Ungodly experimentation
Moral extinction is near

Heaven shedding tears
As evil reveals its face
Fading things held dear
Uncertainty taking place

All things quickly passing
Life never to be the same
Embrace life everlasting
The Glory of God remains

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Choose His Love

Those starting on the top of the mountain spend a lifetime reaching the bottom
Those starting at the bottom of the mountain spend a lifetime rising to the top
Meeting halfway is where together we decide the direction and choose His love

Monday, May 29, 2017

The Future is Bright

No greater sacrifice
Or courage of man
Lay down one's life
For their fellowman

The cost of freedom
The untold bravery
Not in the headlines
A front line obituary

Memories never fade
The everlasting truth
This grateful nation
Forever honors you

Today we remember
Tomorrow we unite
Your spirit ignites us
The future is bright

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Alive in Jesus

We hear the lies
We see the cries
We feel the pain
It's all so insane

Shadows disappear
The light has fled
Teardrops of blood
Rivers turning red

Perverted ideology
Attached to death
Innocent victims
Caught in the net

Help is on the way
Victory is assured
Glory is revealed
In the saving Word

Lift up every care
Love will free us
United in prayer
One alive in Jesus

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Those We Rise With

So many so confused
Faced with direction
The choices we choose
Weeding out deception

It all seems so easy
Entering into pleasure
But is it really pleasing
The journey measures

It's not the conquest
It's how the Spirit flows
Just to feel the blessing
How the seeds are sown

There is right and vice
Decide between the two
It's not who we lie with
It's those we rise with

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Let Us Go

Get up, let us go
Time to take control
Let the Spirit flow
Get up, let us go

One and one in hand
Redemption of man
Near and distant lands
Rejoice, there is a plan

Get up, let us go
Get up, weary soul
Brotherhood of man
Together, yes we can

Get up, let us go
Time to take control
Allow the Spirit to flow
Get up, Get up, let us go

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Silencing the Thunder

The hour glass flipped
The second hand strife
Sand of time empties
The coarseness of life

Countless scenes pass
Glory days gone by
Revealing the times
A youthful one unwise

Giants passed before
Wisdom given freely
The quietness of wars
Witnesses to bleeding

A beginning and end
The older and younger
A lifelong of mending
Silencing the thunder

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Leader

Lord, bless the dreamers that are humbly blest with poetic words. The Spirit is alive and seeking to expand. Today is the day for the children of God to bust the move for God’s glory. Share your love for the Lord; express yourself. The word is powerful….express the glory of God. Be not afraid…”I go before you always”…Follow the Leader!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Test

What’s up with the unrest
All the pain; the suffering
North, South, East, West
The lack of any reasoning

Destination collision course
We are along for the ride
The genesis of the source
Seen by eyes opened wide

We are innocent dreamers
Seeking peace in our lives
Simple faithful believers
Born for this place in time

Never giving in to dismay
Pushing forward in faith
North, South, East, West
Chosen to endure the test

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Where is my God
Has He abandoned me
I feel so all alone
Yet, I'm told to believe

Is life about trust
Even as we loose faith
Is hope about love
Seeking our pathway 

Live the promise
Stay focused on truth
Enter into the bliss
That will release you

In a glorious time
Grace will surely shine
In the Lord's glory
In the Lord's time...Shine!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Lord's Grace

If today we allow life to beat us down
Tomorrow, we will fight to get back up
If today we fall to the weakness of prey
The Lord's grace will deliver and free us

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Trusting in the Lord

Anarchy in the streets
Void from freedom
The war against Police
Seeing is believing

Chaos before our eyes
Rain, ice, and snow
The temperature rising
Time for grace to flow

We look for answers
Beneath every stone
Seek peaceful terms
Never loosing hope

We are people of faith
Drifting in one accord
The salt of the earth
Trusting in the Lord

Monday, May 1, 2017


Every day is a blessing
Whether rain or shine
Cherishing a new day
As we open our eyes

Amazed at the wonder
All the blessings of life
Solitude and thunder
In the passing of time

Longing for tomorrow
Old enough to realize
That joys and sorrows
Adhere to all our lives

Faith, the guiding light
Hope, living the dream
Trust, in possibilities
Love, above all "Believe"

Sunday, April 30, 2017

In the Life of a Soul

This is the day I turn and walk away
This is the day I release and let go
This is the day I chart a new course
This is the day I allow Grace to flow

A time to leave all my cares behind
A time to strike a triumphant blow
A time to enter a new state of mind
A time to for mending a weary soul

For the times that I spent all alone
For the times I shed so many tears
For the times I was lost and lonely
For the times I fell prey to my fears

This is the day of glorious salvation
This is the day of joy and jubilation
This is the day God's Grace will flow
This is the day; In the life of a soul

Monday, April 24, 2017

God Bless the Nation of France

Another joins in the dance
The sweet melody...freedom
Not by the litany of chance
This an alignment of reason

To root where one is planted
Thrive as one united face
The cunning one has slanted
Division of the human race

Not an end; a new beginning
A transitional dance in time
To one day realize the longing
Peace we seek in our lives

The sweet melody...freedom
Now aligned as one in a dance
The stars of Nations aligning
God bless the Nation of France

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Blossoming Bud

Buds are blooming
Awaken from sleep
This blessed season
Arise from the deep

Basking in sunshine
In the morning dew
This new springtime
Awaits me and you

The awesome hour
Redemption freeing

Holy powerful week
When giants awake
The blossoming bud

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Freedom at Last

Tested each day
Springing ane
The cycle of life
All is made new

Darkness passes
Light enters in
Green meadows
Life everlasting

Cut and mulched
Cleansed in fire
Flames quenching
The heart's desire

All is made new
The old passed
Souls rescued
Freedom at last

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

We are Free

When we close our eyes
The heart says goodbye
Then the transformation
Into joy and jubilation

We are free...we are free
The suffering long gone
Into the bliss of eternity
We are free...we are free

Friends and family grieve
The loss of their beloved
But if they could only see
We are free...we are free

We are free...we are free
Endless joy and happiness
Transformed into eternity
We are free...we are free!

Friday, March 31, 2017

Entered Into Eternity

He was a good man
Lived a very hard life
Misunderstood was he
But he was dad to me

A strong tough will
Hardened to the core
Those invisible scars
The Second World War

He raised his family
As best as man can do
But there were critics
Critics without a clue

A quiet reserved man
With a heart of gold
His daughter's hand
Till this day I still hold

He was a good man
He was dad to me
Tonight he left home
Entered into eternity

Entered Into Eternity

He was a good man

Lived a very hard life

Misunderstood was he

But he was dad to me

A strong tough will

Hardened to the core

Those invisible scars

The Second World War

He raised his family

As best as man can do

But there were critics

Critics without a clue

A quiet reserved man

With a heart of gold

His daughter’s hand

Till this day I still hold

He was a good man

He was dad to me

Tonight he left home

Entered into eternity

Thursday, March 30, 2017

To Eternal Life

Why all the suffering
Why the hellish pain
Why has every misery
Seem to have its way

Searching for answers
Asking for reasons why
The human condition
All creation must die

Born again...born again
We will one day rise!
Born again...born again
We will one day rise!

Why all the suffering
One day we will know
The other side of glory
Revealing the unknown

Born again...born again
We will one day rise!
Born again...born again
We will one day rise!

Born again...we will rise
Born again...we will rise
Born again...we will rise
Born again eternal life!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

That Glorious Day

I woke this morning
A stake in the game
A grace to be alive
Continue on my way

How are you today
My friend said to me
I gave a simple reply
Life is a great thing

We live and we grow
We deal and we roll
We reap seeds sown
Eyes fixed on home

Today one day closer
Then was yesterday
Tomorrow is a grace
A dream fading away

I woke this morning
Grateful to be alive
A stake in the game
Till that glorious day

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tasting Victory

For some it is short
For some it is long
For some in between
One day all will meet

We start and we stop
We come and we go
We will one day part
One day for home

Together we shall be
In the light of eternity
Together forever free
One day together free

From the vice of sin
From battles within
From every suffering
One day joy unending

For some a sweet song
For some just misery
For some in between
One day tasting victory

Monday, March 27, 2017

You are the Glue

Time for self denial
Only if I want it to be
Been at it for a while
Trapped in misery

The best intentions
Putting it on the line
I know what is right
But I fall all the time

Am I just weak man
Am I just a disgrace
A saving grace man
Or a man saving face

At times I feel alone
A man with no home
The seeds I've sown
Lead me back to you

You're saving grace
The one I embrace
When I slip and fall
You take my place

There is no denying
Love I have for you
I'm just a weak man
And you are the glue

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Spirit's Raging Fire

Life without sunshine
A moonlights serenity
Eyes closed for a time
A vision impossibility

Drifting in darkness
Outcast from society
The web of loneliness
Attached to destiny

One day it happened
The time for sunshine
The Spirit touched me
Shining stars aligned

Glory busted through
Darkness shattered
My eyes were opened
To the healing Word

Clouds disappeared
Muddy waters clear
Sunshine is brighter
The Spirit's raging Fire

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Mother of Christmas

Most tender Mother
Compassionate One
Ever so close to us
Clothed with the sun

Surrounded by Angels
Holy Spirit's delight
Divinely chosen One
The Mother of Christ

The Babe conceived
Blessed is her womb
Center point of life
Bearer of Divine Light

The gift forever giving
Shield from evil foes
The triumphant Queen
Eternal Golden Rose

Tranquil peacefulness
Warming gentleness
Dawn of heavenly bliss
The Mother of Christmas

Monday, March 20, 2017

This is Her Time

Sunshine, Moonlight, Heart aflame burning bright
Gentleness, loveliness, only in a mother's caress

She is the sunshine in our lives
The guiding light of our direction
The peace found in a moonlight
Flaming fire of love and affection

Sunshine, Moonlight.....Gentleness, loveliness
Heart aflame burning bright.....she is tenderness

She is the calming of the storm
A melody that is forever sweet
For the heart tattered and torn
She mends with a loving peace

Sunshine, Moonlight, Heart aflame burning bright
Gentleness, loveliness.....a mother's trustfulness

She is the sunshine of our lives
She is the calming of the storm
A melody that is forever sweet
Our Mother the Queen of Peace

Gentleness, loveliness, the sunshine of our lives
She is the Queen of Peace.....this is Her time!