The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

“Man, what a beautiful day to be alive”

Today is the first Sunday after Christmas, and we Christians celebrate the “Feast of the Holy Family.” As I went for my walk this morning, in a very beautiful park here in, Connecticut; there was peace. The stream was roaring as the melting snow more than doubled its normal volume, gushing into the lake; I said, “Man, what a beautiful day to be alive.” Hundreds of geese were flying above the lake, seemingly almost in a circle, very high and very load; I said, “Man, what a beautiful day to be alive.” The blue jays were racing by noisy as ever, stopping in the trees and making their presence known; again, “Man, what a beautiful day to be alive.”
The Christmas hustle is now behind us, and we are getting ready to start a new year. With all the negative things we find ourselves surrounded with today, maybe we should all try to take a deep breathe of fresh air, count our blessings, and share our love with family, friends, and those we encounter on a daily basis. This is what Christmas is really all about, and we should live our lives like every day is Christmas.
Yes, even among our noisy and busy surroundings we can find true peace. No matter how difficult life can sometimes be, I pray that we will always be able to say, “Man, what a beautiful day to be alive!” May the peace of the “Holy Family” be with us all today and every day of the year. Happy New Year and God bless us all, today and always.

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