The joy of life is "Love of God"..."Love of Family"..."Love of Friends". My God is my everthing...Family is the air I breathe...Friendship fuels the life in me. "Believe"..."Dream"..."Love"!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Spirit's Hedge

Feeling trapped inside
There is no way out
No barrier protection
Face to face with doubt 

Are there any answers
Madness is in control
Trouble not wary heart
Seek the fruits of soul

Never alone are we
The Spirit roaming free
Evil may lust for a catch
In the net of darkness

Angles are gathering
Coming to our defense
Never alone are we
Within the Spirit hedge

Evil may be encamping  
The light may be fading
Hold on to faithfulness
Inside the Spirit’s hedge

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Wisdom and Truth

Have you noticed
Somberness; despair
Eye to eye embraces
Of emptiness; of fear

Listen to the voices
Pay attention to words
This is not a passing fad
Reality, seen and heard

Not a particular place
A focus not zeroed in
Not a particular race
In a battle as one kin

Every day is a challenge
There is no turning back
It is time for all of us
To take up a bit of slack

We must unite as one
Never to run and hide
Remain faithful to truth
Swim against the tide

Have you noticed
Faces resembling you
Eyes embracing the Light
Of Wisdom and Truth

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Victory of Her Son

To my Russian brothers
Today is truly a great day
A Spirit filled inspiration
To join together in faith

We share many blessings
Uniting us as one in truth
Separated by blue waters
Joined as one by the Glue

She is the Queen of Peace
She is the Mystical Rose
She is the Mother of God
From Her God’s love flows

Carrying Him in Her womb
She was the vessel of life
Today She has come again
To bring an end to our strife

A day to end all separation
A day will be joined as one
A day the Mother of Jesus
A day of victory for Her Son

Sunday, July 24, 2016

In the Light of Illumination

How many innocent will die

How many tears will we cry

Are we all alone in this fight

As darkness battles the light

People  hung up on words

While the carnage occurs

Time for the just  to unite

As one… and white

As one,  brothers and sisters

One day victory will be won

Put aside every  difference

Put your faith in God’s Son

There will always be valleys

There will be mountains high

Only the One holds the key

The key to unlock eternal life

We are made in His Image

Searching a way to salvation

People in faith we must live

In the Light of Illumination

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Freeing the Soul

I’ve never felt a need as I do now
Witnessing to pain surrounding me
To call out to Jesus Christ our Savior
To take control of the world’s destiny

We have turned our backs on Him
Giving in to vices: corrupted by sin
The world is reaping what it has sown
Evil reigns; peace has deserted us all

Beyond the bondage one’s skin color
Or the struggles of past generations
This is not the time for separation
This is decision time for unification

We are one in the eyes of our Father
Created in His image and likeness
He does not dwell on the external
He resides in the depths of our souls

Put an end to this worldly suffering
Repent of transgressions of weakness
Join together as one joyful melody
Unite as one in truth and be set free

We are living in the midst of darkness
Forces of evil seem to be in full control
The Lamb of God promised us victory
The Lamb burns bright: freeing the soul

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Keep the Faith

Mom taught how to love and pray

Dad was all about trust and faith

They were blessed the same way

The family tree...the love of family

Looking back in time I'm amazed

Many have influenced my ways

This generation before my time

Helped mold this man and his life

One by one they are passing on

Yet their memories remain strong

Life moves forward at a fast pace

Their lives in ours remains a grace 

It's all about passing wisdom on

So it will linger after we are gone

One by one we shall pass away

So Love, Trust, Pray; Keep the Faith

Monday, July 11, 2016


Chaos is firmly at play
We must chart a course
Rejecting the day to day
Dangerous civil discord

Not confined to a place
The spirit of evil flows
Every people; every race
Spreading pain and woes

Taking countless victims
Causing havoc and misery
A struggle no one wins
Culturally or Nationally

Two courses are before us
One peace
We must embrace justice
For senselessness to cease

Chart a course to healing
Reject all impulses of hate
Do not be disheartened
Hold on firmly to faith

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Now is the Time

It's a special day

Time to give thanks and pray

It's a blessed time

It's time to pour out a rhyme

Look my children and see

The pain, sorrow and misery

Hold on to your inner faith

You shall rise above one day

Hold on to the power of Jesus

Keep your faith in the Lord

Hold on to truth dwelling within

Heart and soul in one accord

Today is the day of salvation

This is our moment in time

Time to face off with darkness

Time to let God's glory shine

The faithful's moment to light

While surrounded by darkness

The faithful's moment to fight

At a time we are truly blessed

A special day; a special time

For God's children to rewind

Turn back to right from wrong

Spread love in praise and song

Love is the power sustaining us

Faith is the Spirit dwelling in us

The hour to let God's glory shine

Today is the day; now is the time

Love is the Remedy

Love the Lord
Seek His Will
Praise His Name
Glorify Him

Love the Lord
With all your heart
With all your being
With all your might

Love your neighbor
Your family too
Love the enemies
That persecute you

Love the Muslim
Love the Jew
Love the Christian
Love is the glue

Love the believer
The non-believer
The faith-filled
The faithless

Love the Lord
Love is the answer
For healing humanity
Love is the Remedy

In Peace

Times are changing
Vibrations in the air
Peace abandoning
All that we hold dear

Anarchy drum beats
Lawlessness prevails
Chaos in the streets
Amidst tearful wails

Pain is color blind
Spewing destruction
It's time to rewind
Healing construction

Praying for a new day
An end to the misery
This is decision time
Time to be set free

Change is possible
Freedom within reach
Live as one All in All
Live as one In Peace

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Blackened Blue

Slandered as pigs

Ridiculed; spit on

Slurred integrity

Right meets wrong

Often vilified

Rarely glorified

Brave hearts

A solid core

Not for money

Not for fame

Selfless love

To keep us safe

Little gratitude

Less thankfulness

It's their calling

They are the best

Day after day

In harm’s way

For any stranger

Facing any danger


The blessed few

Sacrificing for all

The Blackened Blue

Monday, July 4, 2016

In God We Trust

In God we trust

Well, we did once

Stars, Stripes, Glory

The ultimate story

From distant lands

Crossing the sea

Inspired by grace

Driven by destiny

In God we trust

Indeed they did

Birth to a Nation

Now sinking is sin

They are watching

Our shining Stars

From a distance

Heroes they are

Shedding of blood

Paying the price

Freedom was won

By human sacrifice

Dignified by valor

Honored this day

Forever faithful

History will say

From a distance

Praying over us

Total dependence 

In God we trust